Forums - Is guile the best in hf ? Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Is guile the best in hf ? ( Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:23:2002 01:37 PM: Is guile the best in hf ? Give your reasons if he is to you or not Posted by margalis on 01:23:2002 09:15 PM: No, not really. IMO Ryu is the best. Is hurricane has sick invincibility, which actually works wonders against Dhalsim. You can trade a hurricane for a standing forward for much more damage, or sometimes not even trade. Ryu also beats Guile head to head IMO. Guile has problems with Ryu and Dhalsim, among others. Guile is one of the best, but not the best. That honor is Ryu's. Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:23:2002 10:07 PM: You have stated very good reasons unlike others that i got on other threads.Yes ryu would be better than guile only because of his hurricane kick which is very hard to counter with guile using duc fierce but guile has far more style and is a more entertaining fighter.Dhalsim he is no match for guile duc jab sonic boom those lims with follow up pressure and he is dead.anyway those are my opinions. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:24:2002 02:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner You have stated very good reasons unlike others that i got on other threads.Yes ryu would be better than guile only because of his hurricane kick which is very hard to counter with guile using duc fierce but guile has far more style and is a more entertaining fighter.Dhalsim he is no match for guile duc jab sonic boom those lims with follow up pressure and he is dead.anyway those are my opinions. not.........sim can telepot away.......his style is defense...u can't even trap him in hf.... ryu,sagat,chun,honda and bison,etc also give guile to hell.u will dead if you only play a few chars. Posted by Iceman on 01:24:2002 05:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner Dhalsim he is no match for guile duc jab sonic boom those lims with follow up pressure and he is dead.anyway those are my opinions. I haven't played HF in nearly a year (and haven't played this match in longer than that) but as I remember from other games (like ST) Dhalsim doesn't have too many problems with Guile. Guile throws sonic boom, Dhalsim ducking fierces that shit. If Sim's close enough a slide will stuff any sonic boom throws. Dhalsim can fight Guile w/o leaving his feet. Also, Dhalsim can stuff all of Guile's jumps with a slide if my memory serves me. I forget if standing close jab and/or standing close forward works against Guile. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:24:2002 05:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman I haven't played HF in nearly a year (and haven't played this match in longer than that) but as I remember from other games (like ST) Dhalsim doesn't have too many problems with Guile. Guile throws sonic boom, Dhalsim ducking fierces that shit. If Sim's close enough a slide will stuff any sonic boom throws. Dhalsim can fight Guile w/o leaving his feet. Also, Dhalsim can stuff all of Guile's jumps with a slide if my memory serves me. I forget if standing close jab and/or standing close forward works against Guile. yes!never underestmate sim in hf or st.....he is just shoto and turtle's killer......but it talk a lot of skills to play well with sim! honda kick ass too!!!!! Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:24:2002 02:50 PM: Whatever Posted by Jecht on 01:24:2002 06:25 PM: I know one game he's not good in... CVS2 =) Posted by Iceman on 01:24:2002 07:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jecht I know one game he's not good in... CVS2 =) I know someone who has never played CvS2. Posted by Crayfish on 01:24:2002 07:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman I haven't played HF in nearly a year (and haven't played this match in longer than that) but as I remember from other games (like ST) Dhalsim doesn't have too many problems with Guile. Guile throws sonic boom, Dhalsim ducking fierces that shit. In HF, Sims cFeirce doesn't go under Guiles SB like in ST, though it will still trade or if you anticipate early enough you can hit him then block the SB. The other tactics you mentioned though I'm pretty sure work for Sim vs Guile in HF like all versions. Overall I'd say HF Sim is his weakest SF2 series incarnation. I think Ryu is slightly better overall in HF (mainly due to his invunerable first frame Cyclone) but there really isn't much in it, especially in their match which is one of the most deep and fun matchups in SF to play. I'd say its 5/5. Crayfish. Posted by Jecht on 01:24:2002 07:28 PM: hmmm... why do you say that? I've played guile through and through from SFII to now. And maybe that was a bit harsh saying "He's not good." but i'll rephrase that. He is'nt AS good as he used to be. I dunno why, just something about him did'nt feel right when i played him in CVS2. He's lacking something, he's still my bad-ass and i still use him but i just feel he's missing something. Posted by Dank on 01:24:2002 07:34 PM: HF is a pretty balanced game, and the characters are more or less equal. Lots of people have problems with Dhalsim; in fact, in most cases, Ryu is actually weaker than Guile against Dhalsim. Guile may have been the best in WW, and possibly CE, but he is almost definitely NOT the best character in HF. His special moves are all charge-based, which makes him more apt to be played as a turtle. As you should know, Dhalsim is much better at turtling than, say, Guile or Ryu. If your style is more offense-based, try Balrog (boxer), Honda, or Vega. The great thing about HF is that there really isn't one "best" character, just different styles of evenly matched characters. You have a shot at winning with virtually anybody in this game. Personally, I think Honda is the most dominant overall character, although he has a few weaknesses. But the HHS is just TOO good. Posted by Jecht on 01:24:2002 07:41 PM: Ya, Honda was a bitch in hf. Once he cornered you and got the hand slaps on the damage was insane. But in hyper fighting Guile's harge motions are not that much of a draw back, but enough to make ryu slightly more dominant. personally I love my blanka and Balrog, there charge characters but there good characters none the less. Balrog is an aggressive psycho! i've been absolutly murdered by a few Balrog players, he just gets right on you. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:25:2002 01:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dank HF is a pretty balanced game, and the characters are more or less equal. Lots of people have problems with Dhalsim; in fact, in most cases, Ryu is actually weaker than Guile against Dhalsim. Guile may have been the best in WW, and possibly CE, but he is almost definitely NOT the best character in HF. His special moves are all charge-based, which makes him more apt to be played as a turtle. As you should know, Dhalsim is much better at turtling than, say, Guile or Ryu. If your style is more offense-based, try Balrog (boxer), Honda, or Vega. The great thing about HF is that there really isn't one "best" character, just different styles of evenly matched characters. You have a shot at winning with virtually anybody in this game. Personally, I think Honda is the most dominant overall character, although he has a few weaknesses. But the HHS is just TOO good. yes!honda got the power,speed and patience! Posted by Dasrik on 01:25:2002 01:43 AM: Look, Honda is my best character in HF, and I can tell you that he is NOT the best character in the game. He can deal with Guile decently enough, but shotos kill him for free with a fucking stupid pattern (fireball, sweep). I'm not saying that it's impossible to avoid this situation, just that once Honda is in it it's very hard for him to escape. Don't worry, though - most shotos stick to fireball, DP, which is a lot easier for Honda to deal with. And hey, once you get them in a grab, it's as good as game. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:25:2002 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Look, Honda is my best character in HF, and I can tell you that he is NOT the best character in the game. He can deal with Guile decently enough, but shotos kill him for free with a fucking stupid pattern (fireball, sweep). I'm not saying that it's impossible to avoid this situation, just that once Honda is in it it's very hard for him to escape. Don't worry, though - most shotos stick to fireball, DP, which is a lot easier for Honda to deal with. And hey, once you get them in a grab, it's as good as game. for me blanka is much better against shoto in hf!!!but i think i love honda more........btw,do u think the sumo splash[new attack in hf]can avoid the fb-sweep fuck? Posted by Iceman on 01:25:2002 04:22 AM: I posted my comment because Guile is still solid in CvS2. You can't play him like in classic SF2. His Flash Kick is not very good as anti-air, and it really for reversals, hitting limbs, and grounded specials. Ducking fierce is you anti-air. Throw in his still good sobat kick, and his solid list of ground pokes. Sonic Hurricane is nearly instant, making for a hell of a punisher. He's solid, just different. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:25:2002 06:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman I posted my comment because Guile is still solid in CvS2. You can't play him like in classic SF2. His Flash Kick is not very good as anti-air, and it really for reversals, hitting limbs, and grounded specials. Ducking fierce is you anti-air. Throw in his still good sobat kick, and his solid list of ground pokes. Sonic Hurricane is nearly instant, making for a hell of a punisher. He's solid, just different. honda own guile anyways. Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:25:2002 02:29 PM: Not my guile Posted by Jecht on 01:25:2002 10:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman I posted my comment because Guile is still solid in CvS2. You can't play him like in classic SF2. His Flash Kick is not very good as anti-air, and it really for reversals, hitting limbs, and grounded specials. Ducking fierce is you anti-air. Throw in his still good sobat kick, and his solid list of ground pokes. Sonic Hurricane is nearly instant, making for a hell of a punisher. He's solid, just different. Ya, his flashkick was the first thing that threw me off. nothing could touch that shit before and the blurry part of the kick used to his as soon as you touched it, now it only hits at certain frames, and like you said its anti-air prioity has gone down the drain, but his crouching fierce is a lot better because it does'nt knock them down like the flashkick so this way when they rebound off of it you can throw out a nice jab SB and tack on the sobat kick which is still great! And his Sonic Hurricane is a monster! that thing eats through everything, but i barly use my guile's supers. What groove do you play your Guile?I usually play mine on N groove or S groove because i play him with Terry sometimes, so i pick S groove for Terry's benefit (it's always nice to be on red and have a BusterWolf->Power Geyser ready.) But ya, he has change but none the less he is still solid and will give Honda a whoopin anytime!.=) Posted by anti-ryu on 01:26:2002 01:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner Not my guile hongkong hon master never lose. Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:26:2002 03:17 AM: anti-ryu honda would eat c.jab,SB,c.short,s.strong,SB,backfist my redizzy combo that can work on every single character Posted by anti-ryu on 01:26:2002 06:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner anti-ryu honda would eat c.jab,SB,c.short,s.strong,SB,backfist my redizzy combo that can work on every single character sumo butt dive own u for free if u sb......and my bear hug tick with fuck u. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:17 AM. Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.